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Table Functions

Table functions are specialized functions that returns multiple rows. An example of a table function is 'UNNEST' which takes in a list of data and returns one row for each element in the list.

In Flowtide, table functions are used with the TableFunctionRelation.

There is no definition yet in substrait for table functions and its relations, so a custom definition is created for flowtide. It uses the ExtensionSingleRel if used with an input. The input is only required when it is used in joins. If no input is used, ExtensionLeafRel can be used instead. If the table function is a root, for instance in SQL:

... FROM func(arg)

No input is required.

The following proto definition is used to define the TableFunctionRelation:

message TableFunction {
// Points to a function_anchor defined in this plan, which must refer
// to a table function in the associated YAML file. Required; 0 is
// considered to be a valid anchor/reference.
uint32 function_reference = 1;

// Schema of the output table from the function
substrait.NamedStruct table_schema = 2;

// Arguments for the table function
repeated substrait.FunctionArgument arguments = 7;

message TableFunctionRelation {
// Table function to use
TableFunction table_function = 1;

// Only required if used with an input.
// Only left and inner join supported at this time.
JoinType type = 6;

// Optional, but only usable with an input.
substrait.Expression join_condition = 4;

enum JoinType {

See below for the different table functions: