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Table Provider

It is possible to add table providers to the SqlPlanBuilder. These providers are called each time the compiler finds the usage of a table. It asks each provider if it contains information about that specific table.

A table provider is defined by the following interface:

public interface ITableProvider
bool TryGetTableInformation(string tableName, [NotNullWhen(true)] out TableMetadata? tableMetadata);

Creating a provider can be beneficial if you want to skip writing sql code to create table definitions for each used table.

Registering a table provider

You register a table provider on the SqlPlanBuilder by calling the AddTableProvider method:

var sqlBuilder = new SqlPlanBuilder();
sqlBuilder.AddTableProvider(new MyCustomProvider());

Some connectors, such as SQL Server connector might already come with a provider, a connector usually add an extension method to add its provider. Example on how SQL Server connector provider is added:

sqlBuilder.AddSqlServerProvider(() => connectionString);