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Elasticsearch Connector

The ElasticsSarch connector allows you to insert data into ElasticSearch. There is only a sink operator implemented, and there is no plans yet to support a source.


The ElasticSearch sink allows insertion into an index.


All ElasticSearch insertions must contain a column called '_id' this column is the unique identifier in the elasticsearch index. This field will not be added to the source fields.

To use the ElasticSearch Sink add the following line to the ConnectorManager:

connectorManager.AddElasticsearchSink("*", elasticSearchConnectionSettings);

The table name in the write relation becomes the index the sink writes to.


Having a column named '_id' is required for the sink to function.

INSERT into elastic_index_name
SELECT userKey as _id, userKey, companyId, firstName, lastName
FROM users

connectorManager.AddElasticsearchSink("*", elasticSearchConnectionSettings);


Set alias on initial data completion

One way to integrate with elasticsearch is to create a new index for each new stream version and change an alias to point to the new index. This is possible by using the GetIndexNameFunc and OnInitialDataSent functions in the options.


connectorManager.AddElasticsearchSink("*", new FlowtideDotNet.Connector.ElasticSearch.FlowtideElasticsearchOptions()
ConnectionSettings = connectionSettings,
CustomMappings = (props) =>
// Add cusotm mappings
GetIndexNameFunc = (writeRelation) =>
// Set an index name that will be unique for this run
// The index name must be possible to be recovered between crashes to write to the same index
return $"{writeRelation.NamedObject.DotSeperated}-{tagVersion}";
OnInitialDataSent = async (client, writeRelation, indexName) =>
var aliasName = writeRelation.NamedObject.DotSeperated;
// Get indices that the alias already points to.
var oldIndices = await client.GetIndicesPointingToAliasAsync(aliasName);
// Add the index to the alias
var putAliasResponse = await client.Indices.PutAliasAsync(indexName, aliasName);

if (putAliasResponse.IsValid)
// Remove all old indices that existed on the alias
foreach (var oldIndex in oldIndices)
await client.Indices.DeleteAsync(oldIndex);
throw new InvalidOperationException(putAliasResponse.ServerError.Error.StackTrace);