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AuthZed/SpiceDB Connector

AuthZed/SpiceDB is an authorization service built on Zanzibar. This connector allows writing, reading and materializing/denormalizing permissions from SpiceDB.


The sink allows inserting data from other sources into SpiceDB.

These columns are required to insert data:

  • subject_type - subject type
  • subject_id - identifier of the subject
  • relation - relation name
  • resource_type - resource type
  • resource_id - identifier of the resource.


  • subject_relation - optional subject relation.

To use the SpiceDB Sink add the following line to the ReadWriteFactory:

factory.AddSpiceDbSink("regex pattern for tablename", new SpiceDbSinkOptions
Channel = grpcChannel, // Grpc channel used to connect to SpiceDB
GetMetadata = () =>
var metadata = new Metadata();
// Add any headers etc here.
metadata.Add("Authorization", "Bearer {token}");
return metadata;

Sql example:

'user' as subject_type,
o.userkey as subject_id,
'reader' as relation,
'document' as resource_type,
o.orderkey as resource_id
FROM orders o


The following event listeners exist that can be used to modify or get the current watermark of the stream that has been sent to SpiceDB:

  • BeforeWriteRequestFunc - Called before each write, its possible to modify the data before it gets sent here.
  • OnWatermarkFunc - Called after a watermark is recieved and the data has been added to SpiceDB, also contains the last recieved zedtoken from SpiceDB.
  • OnInitialDataSentFunc - Called the first time data has been written to SpiceDB.

Delete existing data if not updated

It is possible to delete existing data in SpiceDB if it is not in the result set of the stream. This is done by passing in the property DeleteExistingDataFilter which is the filter of what data to fetch. If your stream say updates resource type document and relation reader you should pass that in as the filter if you wish to delete existing data that is not from the current stream.

This will cause all data to be downloaded into the stream which will cause a slower performance to read the initial data.


The source allows reading data from SpiceDB. The following columns are returned:

  • subject_type - subject type
  • subject_id - identifier of the subject
  • relation - relation name
  • resource_type - resource type
  • resource_id - identifier of the resource.
  • subject_relation - optional subject relation.

Filter conditions on resource type, relation and subject type will tried to be pushed down in the query to SpiceDB if possible.

Example on using the spicedb source:

factory.AddSpiceDbSource("regex pattern for tablename", new SpiceDbSourceOptions
Channel = grpcChannel,
GetMetadata = () =>
var metadata = new Metadata();
// Add any headers etc here.
metadata.Add("Authorization", "Bearer {token}");
return metadata;

Materialize/Denormalize Permissions

It is possible to denormalize the relations in a SpiceDB schema based on a permission in a type. This can be useful to add permissions into a search engine or similar where searching should be done based on the users permissions.

First a plan must be created:

var viewPermissionPlan = SpiceDbToFlowtide.Convert(schemaText, "document", "view", "spicedb");

It requires the schema, which can be fetched from the schema service, or loaded for a file. The second argument is the type, and the third is the permission/relation to denormalize. The last argument is which table name should be used, and should be matched in the ReadWriteFactory.

// Add the plan as a view for sql 
sqlPlanBuilder.AddPlanAsView("authdata", viewPermissionPlan);

// use the view in a query
INSERT INTO outputtable
FROM authdata